Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Just sittin here
I still have a really hard one and a moderately hard final to get through.
The accounting final shouldn't be hard, but I don't seem to do the best on these tests, so I'm trying to study alot for it.
The theology tests are always impossibly hard and then he curves it.
Amongst all that mish-mash of grade basketball, I usually don't come out with more or less than a B or B- unfortunately.
This is something I don't like (obviously). Soo, I'm going to study my brains out if I can do it, and go for the best. I would appreciate every prayer.
People use prayer as a joke for test, but some of the best grades I've gotten are because I've asked the living almighty God for the power of His knowledge, and then take my tests with the best of my ability. One of these, was my final programming test.
I want to appreciate my God. I am his dependant and he is my provider. The one true source of all knowledge.
Бог Хваления (Praise the Lord)
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Friday, November 30, 2007
Something I found
(Deprive me not before I die):
Remove falsehood and lies far from me;
Give me neither poverty nor riches-
Feed me with the food allotted to me;
Let I be full and deny You,
And say, "Who is the Lord?"
Or lest I be poor and steal,
And profane the name of my God.
-Proverbs 30:7-9
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I-5 remains closed after truck pileup in tunnel - Los Angeles Times
So, today I was supposed to go to the beach, but this is what happened last night at 11pm and so I couldn't because the route to and through LA to the beach is through there.
Kind of crazy. It's like something that doesn't happen unless you're watching an action movie.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer-writer,
I love rain. The wetness, the coolness.
It's amazing.
I even love cloudy weather.
Call it gloomy if you want. It makes me so cheerful.
It's like a present from God that frees us from the norm.
Sun is nice, but there's plenty to go around.
Clouds and rain are like an exotic import from the tropics.
Even the cool weather is wonderful.
It makes wearing something thick cozy and comfortable well worth it.
I think I wnat to move to washington someday. I would love it.
I think if it ever rains when I have to write a paper, it'll be the best paper I've ever written.
I think if I moved to washington I could become a writer......
Praise the Lord, who shares the wealth of his heavenly storehouses full of wet cool liquid life that rains from the beautiful mystical clouds and washes the earth, grows the plants and cleans the air. Blessed be the name of the Lord and all who praise, serve, and adore him. He loves the World. The evidence is crystal down to the smallest feature of his beautiful masterpiece of magnificent machinery we call the world even after sin has corrupted for so many a century.
Our God is an awesome God full of love, kindness, mercy, forgiveness and beauty.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer-writer,
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Indians Take To Streets Against Wal-Mart -
Aw, that's mean! That was my second reaction to this article.
The first of course was, "oh those poor indian workers losing their jobs to Wal-mart" That's what they want. Really why it's mean is that people just don't want to change the way they do things. If someone comes up with a brilliant business plan that revolutionizes business and culture, we shouldn't freak out so easily just because that's not what we're used to. It's not like Wal-mart is destroying jobs! They're only creating as many as are destroyed. There's always places to work for Wal-mart. And, if people don't like working for Wal-mart. Then they're going to have to get innovative and creative! Sounds mean, maybe, that's capitalism. Not real friendly, but honestly not that mean if you really look at the options.
Input please! Leave comments! What do you think?
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Science validates Biblical princibles for marraige
I always wonder if God thinks, told you so. When something like this happens.
This is an instance where Science has found that it is very important to marry the right person, and most importantly keep a good marriage.
"'What we add here is that, 'OK, being married is in general good, but be careful about the kind of person you have married.' The quality of the relationship matters,' said lead author Roberto De Vogli, a researcher with University College in London."
Of course, divorce is left out of the possibilities for someone who is a Christian and has a bad marriage. Their best and technically only option is to improve their marriage by being servant-like and trying to make their spouse happy as much as they possibly can.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Saturday, September 08, 2007
School business
Of course inspiration comes at strange times and in strange amounts. I will try to blog when I have the inspiration. In the mean time, remember I'm here, but I'm sorry about the lack of content.
In the meantime. Just a few things I'm doing.
Right now I'm trying to get a paper written on Predestination and free will. We have to read a book about 200 pages and write a 2000 word essay about it. It looks like it'll be hard. It's due Tuesday (trust me I started reading as soon as I found out, it kind of came on very quickly (only the second week of classes).
Also, I had an idea this morning. Nowhere on campus can you buy Arizona tea. The other day I saw someone with a big case of it. I'm thinking I should find out where I can get one of those and sell them for about a dollar each to whoever wants them from my dorm room. If people like Arizona tea as much as I do I'm bound to make some sales. I figure for buying a whole case I'm bound to save some money on each individually and that way, if I sell for a dollar it might make a little profit (just for fun mostly). And I'll have Arizona tea on hand for myself. That'll be nice to have if no one wants any.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
PS let me know if you drink Amazon
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Psalm 78
If you ever want to teach a lesson that covers the history of Israel this is a great chapter to use as your base.
You don't have to go and make your own summary, it's already written for you! This whole chapter (and yes it is a bit long as you might imagine) covers from Abraham (Israel) to David.
It's really a great history, only including the important stuff, which would be Israel's relationship with God.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Thursday, August 23, 2007
On campus for two weeks no-school?
It should be fun, interesting, crazy. All that.
These past few weeks I worked on campus full time.
After work I found things to do, like watch movies with people nearby, or work out at the fitness center or take walks.
Anyway, I gots stuff to do, and so do you!
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Being a Christian is Paridise.
Because, of course, and I knew you were wondering. Because, my good friend, you always have good news!
And that is why!
Till next post (however long it may be).
Your faithful typer,
Friday, August 10, 2007
Back to Ye Old College
This is another update coming. I guess the best thing to hope for this year and last is for at least 4 updates a year or so.
Anyway, I'm sitting here writing this blog on a freshly reformatted computer which sadly has not been backed up properly.
For some reason I wasn't thinking and didn't check the backup very well. I made one with windows onto my external and hoped for the best and it didn't turn out so well.
It looks like all my pictures and music are intact, however, and that's all I really care too much about. The only other thing I really miss is my installers file which had a myriad of software installs that I use regularaly.
I will have to download and repopulate my computer when I get to somewhere with WiFi provided I can find the right network card driver on my uncle's computer.
Well, the reason I'm rumbling west in a big motorhome towards Grand Junction (while I'm writing this anyway) is that my boss asked me if I could come out a little earlier than school starts (which is about the 20th or so)
I figured a couple weeks would be alright and agreed to that. My uncle, aunt, and cousin who've been staying with us all summer decided it had been long enough in one place and so offered to give me a ride to college.
I've had quite a good summer for the most part. The only sad part is that I wish I could spend so much more time with the friends I have here. I will miss them.
Stay in touch guys!!! And that's an order!
Anyway, I finished up working at DQ last week Wednesday and then headed up to camp on Thursday to catch the banquet and stay till Saturday to take everyone home. That was pretty fun.
Friday night involved warding off invaders of the cabin next door with airsoft guns and aeresol deoderant.
There was less sleep that night, but more fun. After we came home our youth group gave our presentation of pictures and information about what we did during the week long missions trip to the
New Mexico Farmington area in a Navajo reservation church called Da-Na-Has-Ta full gospel church. I got to put all the pictures in order and into a presentation, which was alot of work, but made the whole presentation look pretty good I thought.
After that I packed and packed and packed up for about three and a half days to get ready for today (Thursday Aug 9th) when we were supposed to leave at about 2 or 3.
We left about 6 or 7 o'clock.
So. now I'm blogging at 11:45 on Wordpad (because I don't have Word installed anymore :( ). Anyway, I'll get that fixed sooner or later.
Plans are, for me, to be at the college two weeks before classes start, like I said before. I'm really wondering if or how many people will be there and what I'm going to do for fun when not working.
But even more than that I wonder if I'll make it for two weeks mostly eating in my dorm room. That will surely be interesting. I am planning on getting a microwave and coffee maker to make food with.
If all else fails I suppose I can always find sustinance off of ramen noodles. Hopefully though, I will figure out how to make more than that and still have enough food to last for one or two weeks. The second week I'll be there will be WOW week (week of welcome for the freshmen). So that's going to be more interesting at least. There will be a little more population on campus to interact with. I am planning on not going to the cafeteria at all, but I am also still holding a little hope that the caf may be open at some point. I hope to get my meal plan going a couple weeks early. I'll have to ask about that though. I don't expect it, but who knows.
All in all God provides, but prayers I would severely appreciate. There's alot of hoping in that last paragraph I just wrote. We'll see what happens.
The plan is to arrive Sunday and move in sometime between one and five o'clock and begin work on Monday.
Well, I don't have a whole lot more to write. Drop me some e-mails and comments though, so I know I'm not totally alone though and I'll try and respond back when I get my computer back online and running correctly lol.
To everyone else that is not back at school already, have a great summer and enjoy the rest you still have.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I Love Jesus Christ
I was inspired to declare after reading my good friend's blogpost at
Affectional Writ
Till next post.
1Pe 2:17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
Monday, July 09, 2007
My Simple Guidebook to life - Abridged
If you want to see more, or if you have questions, holler.
There's more than one way to skin a cat, but this is the simple guidebook. That means that it is summarized and each solution to something or advice to remember is the easiest or most convenient while still being most effective. Think of it as an optimum mix of fuel and oxygen for the engine avaliable. If you don't like that analogy you can just be sad, because I'm not coming up with another one.
#1 Go do it yourself.
#2 Don't be a slave.
#3 Don't be controlling.
#4 Don't be uneconomical. This goes for alot of things, but if you can afford to be uneconomical in whatever it is, and you feel like it then go right ahead. Just don't tee people off while you do it (very much).
#5 Share. This doesn't go for everything. Be polite. But share your interests, share your stuff. That's basically it.
#6 Don't be selfish (see number five for more information)
#7 Loyalty with friends is gold.
Have it, don't let it go.
#8 Fun. Have it, share it, remember it's like money, you can't always have it.
#9 Be happy, and relax. If you're a Christian that is, if not I would worry and figure out how to get to heaven. If you're wondering just ask, any Christian knows and any Christian is dying to tell you.
#10 Remember you can't always be happy, but even when you're in the dumps, don't go dumpster diving.
#11 Be crazy, but don't get in trouble. There's a million ways to accomplish this, without getting in trouble, trust me.
#12 Remember, your influence reaches alot farther than you probably think. People notice how many times you blink. You are watched and you effect.
#13 Advice is helpful, experience is life-changing. (of course I have to note that the wise learn from Advice, but remember the people who do so have probably learned from experience)
#14 Have real conversations to sift away the silt or you will become shallow.
#15 Always use your time for something productive. (refer to number four)
#16 Sometimes things are the way they are. Keep that in mind and know when to realize that.
#17 Change is good
#18 Change is bad
#19 Paradoxes are everywhere, deal with it.
#20 Too much of something good is often not good.
#21 Collect maturity within yourself, and be patient with those that have less and don't seem to be trying.
#22 Pray often.
#23 Don't quit on what is important. Read your Bible everynight no matter what. Don't fast your eyes from it!
#24 If there is a problem Don't worry about it, just keep it in mind, and try to fix it most efficiently and
#25 Summarize everything, unless people don't get it. Worse than not unerstanding something is understanding and not being able to do it, because someone won't stop explaining it to you.
#26 Don't take everything too seriously (This includes your self, you can cry if it helps you get over it). See the humor in everything but don't get hung up on it and miss the big picture.
#27 Bluntness can be a useful tool in communication, just like a hammer is useful. You can't always use the diplomatic chisel to get your point across, but don't forget hammers aren't pretty and they don't make things pretty. Blunt honesty is just one tool, not your toolbox.
(these are a little longer, the human body is more complex and diverse and that's just the way it is)
#1 If you want to lose weight, drink lots of water and avoid fatty foods (aka foods with fat in them) and processed sugar (aka anything that doesn't come out of a fruit or vegetable). The more strictly it is followed the faster you lose weight and the slower and more loosely the harder it will be. Of course some type of excercise must be involved weekly preferrably at a minimum of two times a week.
#2 To stay extra healthy. First of all, lose some extra weight (refer to #1) and follow instruction number one easily. Second, get more and more excercise. This means excercise consistantly at least every other day.
#3 If you want to grow more muscle. The best start is to do a bite size se of pushups every night. Something that pushes you a little beyond your limits. Most important to this tip is to continue faithfully. Try 25 pushups a night or something. You'll be looking better before you know it. After that you can expand all kinds of ways. Don't push too hard, but don't back off.
#4 If you're having problems with your moods (which is part of your body, do not forget) or any other health problem don't worry about it, just keep it in mind, and try to fix it by being more healthy in the particular way that directly effects the problem you have.
#5 Don't forget to relax. That can be very bad for you.
#6 Eating dead animal is never really good for you even if there may be some benefits.
#7 The dairy companies have lied to you, milk is not really that good for you. It's not worth the benefits they advertise. Just take calcium vitamins or something. Sorry to pop your bubble.
#1 Talk to people. No one likes being too shy. It's boring.
#2 Don't talk too much. Some people have this problem. Trust me I know some. If you keep saying dumb things or things you wish you hadn't, try talking less often.
#3 Listen to people. This doesn't mean stop talking, it means be patient and understanding when people talk to you.
#4 Be easy-going. That is the polar opposite of being anything people don't like. Don't forget, too much of a good thing is not a good thing (so to speak) so don't take anything, including this, too far.
#5 Laugh at people's jokes even if they're not always funny.
#6 If someone is never funny or thinks they're funnier than they are you can cool the polite laugh for a while and give them a chance to go have their fun on their own. If they still like it, good for them. They may find themselves short of people to hang out with.
#7 The opposite sex (boys or girls, whichever you may someday date or marry): Relax. Don't get so uptight. Their weird, but they're still human.
#8 Don't have too few friends, don't have too many.
#9 Have a good variety of friends. It's good for you.
#10 Be unselfish. The Bible says alot about this, but this is the simple version, go find it yourself.
#11 Don't get all uptight about annoying people. Especially if you're related.
#12 Don't be a wet noodle around annoying or obnoxious people. If they're running head on, let them run into you sometimes, but don't be a roadblock.
#13 Don't be so shallow you can't talk to friends about deep things.
#14 Always remember that what you say (or do, or write, etc...) can have unintended consequences no matter what it is.
#15 People are stupid.
#16 Keep in mind you aren't going to find many unselfish people.
#17 Keep in mind everyone is selfish but how much depends on how mature they are.
#18 Along with 17, people aren't perfect. Even if you don't see a thing wrong with them, remember something is there. Everyone has issues. Expect it, deal with it, forgive, forget, heal, help, and be unselfish and loving overall.
#19 Remember everyone is proud of themselves, whether you see it at first or not.
#20 Finesse in communication should be key over all. If you've got other problems it can be a cure or point towards what you're looking for so get some practice and get good at it.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
PS Hopefully I will be able to add to this. Especially more sections. If you want me to do a particluar section, holler.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Paradoxes and stuff
I came up with some more stuff I just wanted to get out there right after I posted that. Just some things I've been studying and thinking over throughout life and lately and in my devos.
First about the paradoxes in the Christian life. I'm so amazed all the time about the paradoxes found in the Christian life/faith. It's amazing. I would have to say it makes the Christian's life so much more interesting and sometimes complicated.
Like the way that Christ's death brings us life and not only life, but eternal life!
Or the way that we are supposed to die to self to come alive. Or how in 1 John 4:18 John says;
"There is no fear in love: but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath punishment; and he that feareth is not made perfect in love."
And then at the same time we are best off having a fear of God (thus the phrase God fearing folk, or whatever).
Gen 20:11 And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place. And they will slay me for my wife's sake.
Psa 61:5 For thou, O God, hast heard my vows: Thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name.
Pro 2:5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of Jehovah, And find the knowledge of God.
Job 28:28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
Another paradox I've always found interesting and particularly emphasised specially well is where Paul is talking about the struggle within ourselves against the sin nature.
Rom 7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
Rom 7:15 For that which I do I know not: for not what I would, that do I practise; but what I hate, that I do.
(This is one of my favorite verses depicting what I'm sure many Christians feel all the time, the battle between the will to be righteous and the temptation of the flesh to sin)
Rom 7:16-18 But if what I would not, that I do, I consent unto the law that it is good. So now it is no more I that do it, but sin which dwelleth in me. For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me, but to do that which is good is not.
Second Section

One thing I really wanted to write about and have everyone read is what I'm going to type about next. I really would hope everyone would read this or pay attention now if nothing else is read or gained in this post.
One thing I've been studying lately is the "love passage" as some like to romanticize it up as, 1 Corinthians 13. Specifically the first half and middle especially, emphasizing verses 4, 5, and 6.
1Co 13:1-3 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
1Co 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1Co 13:8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.
Doesn't fail,
didja catch that? It doesn't. Remember that, you'll need some of that stuff some day (scratch that, you'll need it every day!).
This is so very key and important I cannot emphasize it enough through the words I possess and so I will say this:
Basically the point I really want to get across is how important it is for every single Christian on this planet needs to read this because it has soo much information about how we need to love every Christian with a "Christian love"
The information is clear, the hard part is remembering it. Problem solved, your assignment, memorize it, NOW. I'm joking, but you really should memorize this if at all possible unless you've already got this covered 100% (so basically you better start memorizing)
Numero Uno (number one for those who aren't as incredibly bilingual as I am):
Love is patient and, is kind. We gotta put up with people, but the sentence doesn't end there. Don't be narrow minded! AND is kind! We can't just put up with people in our church or life. The Christians around us. We have to put up with them KINDLY! Remember that. I forget often.
2. Love does not envy or boast. Not too hard. Don't be jealous. Only God can do that and we aren't allowed to take his job. Remember that one angel of light (Lucifer) who tried that? Didn't turn out so well. But also, remember this; love doesn't boast. So often I think that's just that pride that is oh so prevailing in every person I know (so much the more myself). Love doesn't boast, when you serve or show love in anyway, it is not for boasting. In ANY way.
3. It is not arrogant or rude. This isn't really hard to grasp. Simple to grasp and hard to do. Easy for you to say, as some people might put it but remember it, always. When you're interacting in anyway with people you should be showing love, remember to kill the arrogance or rudeness. Just get rid of the hostility. It's not needed within the Christian family.
4. Does not insist on it's own way. This is another one that is not so hard for us to grasp. It's just something that we forget occasionally and we should be on the look out for in everything, not just the little stuff.
5. It is not irritable or resentful. This can come up all the time, especially within family relations. But, of course as a Church is so much like a family problems can arise. Moods, opinions, or disagreements are not to be affecting our love towards others making us irritable or resentful towards them, We are told to put away grudges.
6. It does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with truth. Another seemingly no-brainer, but this one needs to be watched out for especially in close friendships. At least for myself. We should look to see that we are not exalting wrongdoings (even small ones, perhaps breaking the speed limit or making fun of people?) between each other and only rejoicing in the truth. Take that along with the first one of course. Tolerate with kindness!
And finally, Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. A great summing up of the feeling of how we should be loving each other. Remember that loyalty towards any other believe or friend. These statements exhibit in all reality a type of naive love that needs to be shown to each other. Don't be doubting or second-guessing each other. And please keep faith in each other. Every person on this planet has shortcomings and that should be kept in mind even for our fellow Christians. Remember that though they are not perfect they are trying their best, or at least we must have the attitude that they are and love serve and respect them and encourage faithfulness to our great God.
Keeping all this in mind is something that is vital to Christian life, as a good Christian life calls for fellowship with other believers. Show the Godly love to each other all the time. Perpetually. Write these verses in your heart (or on your forehead, whichever is most convenient) and remember to actually DO IT!
This I believe is one thing that is absolutely essential as the eggs in a good cake are to hold a Christian body such as a Church together. And much more to be remembered in interpersonal relations, where this is to be put to use.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
(all quotations unless noted from ASV)
Sunday, July 01, 2007
More ice cream??

Yep, more ice cream.
Our church gave out tons of free ice cream before fireworks tonight and gave tracts and stuff along with it. I was giving out free otter pops most of the time.
It was fun, but way too short. Pretty much like all of today.
Well, I'm planning on going camping in a couple weeks for a few days and trying to figure out what I want to do this week too. Should be interesting.
If you want to see pictures of the ice cream thing. Check out Chandler's album on facebook. I'm so freaking tired I don't even want to think about putting anything up and I don't have the pictures anyway.
Maybe if you get a chance upload the pictures to a google/picasa web album(the House of Yokanchi standard) let me know so I can link it to my site.
Ok,later all!
Have fun in de summer!
Till next post.
Your faithful typer
Monday, June 18, 2007
Missions trip NM
Last week we went to the area of Farmington New Mexico and did a four day VBS for a local church. It was fun, it was hard. The guys of the group did the games and the girls did the crafts. I also taught the last lesson of the week on Jesus' power over death, using the story of Jarius and his daughter (Mark 5). The kids were very quiet and shy most of the time. That was the hardest part. Their attention would wander and they didn't always want to participate. Otherwise, we did have some very participatory kids, like JP for instance. I think this trip was a good one for planting seeds and hopefully building a foundation. I'm hoping that this trip will help the church we went to (Da Na Has Ta full gospel church) to grow in their childrens ministry. Hopefully more of them will want to come to that church and learn more now.
Well, if I try to write anymore I'll never get this posted so
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
PS I wrote this a few days ago and don't have time to add to it. You can ask questions, if you want to know more. Or maybe I'll get really bored and post more lol.
Thanks to everyone who prayed also, your prayers made a huge difference.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
It's interesting. A little rough learning how to do everything. Kind of fun, but then not always so fun.
I don't mind the job at all, it's not so bad. I just wish I didn't have to spend so much time doing it. I'm working full time and that's why. It just seems awfully long.
Whatever though. I just found out that I got half as much financial aid as last year, so it's a good thing I have some type of job.
Kind of depressing. Oh well, eventually I'll have to have some kind of full time job, I should get used to it...
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Music section
I added a music section to put up some info on my favorite bands. I still have plenty more to add to it. I'm going to keep updating it.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Brain 'Pacemaker' Tickles Your Happy Nerve
Wow, weird. Well, whatever. If it works it works I guess.
Strange though...
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
200th Post!!!
We did quite a bit of picture taking today, so I posted two more albums on my site.
Go check it out. Also, since I'm on vacation I did a little changing with the theme for a bit.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
PS benjamin takes most of the pictures I've been putting up. Post comments and let me know what you think.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Grand Canyon
The other people we were and still are with are my cousin, aunt, and uncle. We met them there stayed at a campground last night and then today is when we took all those pictures. Now we're at a campground in Utah.
Well, go check out the pictures. They're pretty cool.
I'll be home pretty soon. Probably sometime this week I think.
Me and Benjamin are going to travel with our relatives while my dad gets back tomorrow since he has some work to do on Wed.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Friday, May 11, 2007
End of School 07
Kind of a wierd feeling. I'll miss all my friends, and at the same time break seems sooo short. I'll have to pack in all the things I can that I want to get done during the summer. Hopefully it'll be easier since I'm so used to being so busy. Oh well.
I tried out for Choral for next semester. I hope I get in, but if I do I'll probably be crazy busy :(.
But, it will be good. It's going to be weird next semester. There's a ton of people graduating and then a bunch of my friends are going to IBEX (the israel bible extension that is part of Master's for those of you who don't know).
Well, I've just finished all my finals, but one that I'm turning in a revision in on since I only got like half of the questions (out of four) finished correctly for Web design. I'm thankful to God that my Prof let me do this revision. I was going crazy trying to figure out why my code wasn't working for what I was trying to put on my site that I was supposed to do. When I finally got back to do the revision on it I figured out that I just had to capitalize this one part and I would have had it made..... :(
Oh well. God's will be done. Maybe I needed humbling.
Anyway, one of my summer projects is going to be to implement a part of my site that I can put up my favorite posts on this blog which should be a good amount of good content after nearly 200 posts over about 2 years. Also since I liked designing my site more than I even liked putting content on it. I think I'm going to make some sites and templates and put them up for show on my site. If any of my friends want to use them I'll probably let them and then I can probably change the look and design of my site occasionally to make it interesting.
Enough for now. Back to the javascript grindstone.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
House of Yokanchi
My site is now up. House of Yokanchi will be an add-on to the Electric Typerwriter.
So, you can go and see the pictures of all the things I've been up to this yeah and last. I also put some other things up.
Please let me know about any suggestions or things you don't like about it, or things you wish it had. I'd like to add some things when I get a chance. And, I will get a chance with school ending.
To enter the site just click the title of this post or check out the link I added to the sidebar.
PS if anyone's blog is not linked on my blog list let me know. I thought I got everyone's that I read, but I may have missed one or two.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Why do people fear death? They stay away from even the subject of death, giving the conversations and things related to it a negative reference calling it morbid or depressing. Should it be different for a Christian? People's ideas of death always seem so similar. A funeral is almost never happy whether Christian or not. When a person dies we call it "passing away". People don't often say someone "died" but refer to it as "passing away". If you really think about it though, in reality, unless the person was a Christian that phrase is not accurate at all. When a Christian dies he is only passing to heaven, moving out of earth. When you say "he passed away" referring to an unbeliever the only way that is correct is that they are passing away from earth to Hell. Which is really just the same as death. Of course, this isn't something we like to think about, but nevertheless bring the painful reality to mind and think about it for a moment. All things considered, referring to the death of an unbeliever as just that is really the most accurate expression. A person that didn't accept Christ as savior before death really has "died". A Christian in all reality never dies, they only pass from death to life. The unbeliever in death really does lose his earthly life or body, but going to Hell really is the literal death of the soul.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"The world was made round so that we would never be able to see too far down the road."
- Isak Dinesen
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Semester ending
Speaking of which I have to get back to my website, which, when finished I will link to this blog hopefully.
PS I'm going to move my cbox to my website probably so it may dissapear for testing occasionally. We'll see.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"Goodbye dear pillow which I was once close to..."
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Simple and short?
So, please do read and comment.
This way I hope to:
1. Make it short and easy to read and leave time for you think about it and comment.
2. Make it short for me to post and therefore be able to post more often and hopefully discuss more with my readers.
So, here's my first one:
I was walking up the hill to the dorms and as I did I saw the Moon which looked alot like the one in the Muslim symbol. I thought about the symbology. The Sun (or light) represents truth. Our God. The moon reflects it's light. Often this is used as an analogy of us as His children who can reflect His light to this world. Then it made me wonder why the moon was the predominant symbol in the Muslim symbol if it represents man so often.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
- "You can be on the right track and still get hit by a train! -
Friday, April 13, 2007
This week (and the past few) God's been teaching me how much he knows. I've been realizing how much I depend on myself and don't let him plan. I've still got alot of learning to do on the subject and changing my behaviour to match the reality, but it's wonderful to realize the good news of the fact that God works everything together for good to those who believe. Even though things that I don't like happen, the big picture (which is something else I've been learning in Old Testament Survey) is what's important and God is using whatever is happening for my good. I will be more experienced or trust God more, or bring Him glory more because of the trials OR blessings in my life always. It's hard, but I'm starting to get it more than I have ever before. I'm also learning to pray more.
Now, to what I wanted to post.
I just came back from a Lincoln Brewster concert that our school had in the chapel. It was an amazing time of praising Yahweh and bringing glory to our marvolous great almighty God. As I watched the 17 year old drummer up on stage banging away at the cymbals I was reminded of the ways in which the people would praise our God in the times of David. With bells and dancing and singing. And though we didn't have so much of the dancing, I began to praise God all the more remembering that this is what the nation of Israel had likely done in their times of exalting the Lord our God.
I'll have to post about what I did over spring break later. Remind me. I have some cool pictures from that and it was really cool.
But, for now, I just wanted to post about this while I was thinking about it and get it out to you all.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer.
"A healthy adult male consumes each year one and one-half times his weight in other people's patience."
- John Updike
Sunday, March 25, 2007
These are paraphrased. I wrote down the ones that I thought I might forget or are very important to me in the things that I’m going through.
• By knowledge the righteous are saved.
• He who is trustworthy keeps a thing covered.
• He who hates striking hands in pledge is secure.
• Be assured the evil will not go unpunished.
• One gives freely but grows all the richer.
• Evil comes to him who searches it.
• Whoever captures souls is righteous.
• Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge.
• An excellent wife is like the crown of a husband.
• A man is commended according to his good sense.
• Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast.
• He who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense.
• The work of a man’s hand comes back to him.
• Those who plan peace have joy.
• Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord.
• The hand of the diligent will rule.
• The slothful will be put to forced labor.
• Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word encourages him.
• By insolence comes nothing but strife.
• Good sense wins favor.
• Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise.
• Whoever walks in uprightness fears the Lord.
• You get what you sow.
• The evil bow down before the good.
• Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner.
• Whoever presses the poor insults his maker.
• The helper of the poor is blessed.
• A soft answer turns away wrath.
• The eyes of the Lord are in every place watching the good and the bad.
• Whoever ignores instruction despises himself.
• A whisperer separates close friends.
• The lot is cast into the lap, but every decision is from the Lord. (speaking of which, Have you ever tried praying and then using dice to decide what to do when you are feeling awfully indecisive?)
That’s all for now.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"Consistency isn't always good especially if you're consistently wrong."
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I'm sitting in the library getting started on an informational speech that's due Monday. I'm actually in Denver now after taking a long road trip with my buddy from camp Danny who was visiting Master's because he is probably coming to the school next semester. I got back to Denver on wednesday and immediately went into a frenzy of doing homework. Well, that's enough writing on here. I shall go back to writing my informational speech and watching weird people do what weird people do in libraries.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US congress."
- Ronald Reagan
"Everyone who got where they are .. had to begin where they were."
- Richard L Evans
"A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes."
-Robert Frost
"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details."
- Albert Einstein
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Motel 8
This week I have tons of homework to plow through before spring break is over. I have 40% of Psalms read, write a synthesis paper, read from to different commentaries, and study for a mid term.
All for ONE class!!
Then I have two quizzes to get ready for, for two other classes. I also want to get a book read for New Testament survey 1.
We'll see how that goes... I don't know about that.
I also have to prepare an information speech for monday. That'll probably prove to be the most difficult since I seem to have trouble doing well on speech preperation.
God's grace abounds. I pray that he'll give me grace to finish all this homework.
I'll be home this week by Tuesday, and back in LA again by Saturday. Tomorrow I'm going to visit Azuza Pacific because the guy I'm going back with is visiting there before him, his grandma, and me go back to Grand Junction and I get to go home.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"The true gospel is a call to self sacrifice not self fulfillment." John MacArthur
Saturday, March 10, 2007
He who finds it will lose it.
I had never really understood what Jesus siad in this verse: "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."
In the song Reuben says something like: if you live your life for things that don't really matter in the end and you die. Then really you had nothing all along.
It made me realize what Jesus meant. If you live your life to the 'fullest' as some people call it. Living for yourself and wasting your time. You may have lots of fun, but in the end you will lose your life. But whoever leaves his life to serve others and make the name of Christ great, then for losing your life at death you will have saved it.
It was kind of cool how it just clicked in my mind.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"Trouble with grammar have I, yes."
- Yoda
Saturday, March 03, 2007
It's late (rambling)
Well, I should get to bed. I'm happy that I finished Esther and I'm getting 10 chapters of Job finished. I have tons to finish before Thursday. That's gonna be crazy. It's gonna be interesting to see what grade I get on my Econ test I took Friday (yesterday). It was pretty hard, I found myself behind throughout the time. Dr. Mackey gives us about 50 minutes and 50 questions which is really annoying since we need to think about most of the questions because of the weird confusing wording. I studied for it. I suppose I could've studied more, but there's always more that you can do, and never an end really.
Anyway, enough rambling I should go to bed.
Read Job, it's cool!
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward"
Friday, February 23, 2007
7:15 AM
This week's been crazy.
2 tests. 3 or 4 quizzes. One got cancelled so, I'm not sure whether I still had 4 or not. And I had to give my testimony. Which I did a pretty bad job of, unfortunately. and then I had at least two worksheets due and a bunch of reading. Didn't finish the reading completely, but I'll have to do that this weekend. Oh well.
Ok, I'm done with my surprise. It looks like next week will be more calm?
We'll see. Never can tell, but at least I don't have any tests.
I gotta get ready for work.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"I just killed Dracula," said Tom Swift painstakingly.
"The interest span of a child is possibly thirty seconds. Higher if throwing food or annoying a small animal is involved."
- Erma Bombeck
"Accomplishing the impossible only means the boss will add it to your regular duties."
"I went to a general store, but they wouldn't let me buy anything specific."
"Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted power. It is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits."
-Baron Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) German chemist
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Pearls and 24
Ok, that sounded a little too propaganda-ey... Let's try that again.
Twenty-four is a really amazing show that I think most of my readers would enjoy and I recommend it to everyone. Also, while I am recommending I would like to mention to you that Pearls Before Swine is a really really great comic strip that exhibits simple humor in the most grand and entertaining fashion. I would recommend you start reading it.
That was pretty good, no?
Anyway, I'll just give a little update and stop messing around (hmmm, nah scratch that last part I'll just give you a little update).
I'm over at someone's house with my good friend and work buddy Houston and we're housesitting with these people. It's pretty fun.
Last night we stayed up late watching tv eating pizza and experementing with the features of Windows Vista through an ad-hoc network between our computers.
This morning I made some omelettey goodness for me and Houston with eggs, onions, salt, pepper, and 3 kinds of cheeses (recipe straight from your favorite cook, Billy lol). It turned out well enough and we ate it with salsa.
That's pretty much all. Gotta study for like 4 quizzes, a test, and a speech due this week. (oh, 2 tests I mean, I better get busy, later y'all)
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
PS You may have noticed the abnormal amount of quotes in my last post. I have so many quotes to share I'm going to start putting about 5 for every post,
strictly for your viewing pleasure.
"Success: How high you bounce when you hit bottom."
- General George Patton
"A halo has to fall only a few inches to become a noose."
- Farmers Almanac
"My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right."
"The road to success is marked with many tempting parking spaces."
"Never remember what you can afford to forget."
(sooo true)
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
What I did yesterday
1. get up at 6:45am to start getting ready to go to work.
2. go to work at 7:30am and set off the alarm.
3. listen to John MacArthur (Johnny Mac to some) speak in chapel.
4. school, work work work.
5. eat some toast with honey on it that I dropped on the ground (honey side down of course). LoL, I surprised some people with that one, but it looked clean enough to me and frankly I just really wanted to eat that toast.
6. watch 2 hours of 24 woohoo!!
Thats all folks.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"It is bad to suppress laughter; it goes back down and spreads to your hips."
"If we are to learn anything of value from Star Trek, it's that the universe is filled with vastly different styles of foreheads."
- Chris Needles
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
- Galileo Galilei
"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."
- William James
(or as it was said in chapel. You know you're spiritually mature when you know you are free to not partake in freedoms)
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Well, lots of interesting and exciting things have happened. But I'd like to start out with this:
That's right people. I have gone vista! I like alot of the features. There's some cools stuff. Unfortunately there are alot of things they need and here are a few:
Aeroglass effects need to be the user's choice, not windows. I have a modest computer. It's not a whole lot really, but I'm pretty sure it would work if I wanted it to. However, microsoft decided they wouldn't let the user choose that. Also, there are alot of driver problems. That's probably more of the driver companies problems though so I don't complain alot about it. There are a few more dumb things vista does, but I don't have time to talk about them. Otherwise it's not too bad.
Anyway, I also got office 2007 and that is pretty much amazing. I'd been using the beta version anyway, so I have really no complaints so I'm happy to switch to the full release. It is a wonderful program I would like to encourage everyone to use.
The next thing this week that was cool & worth talking about is
That thing is AMAZING! 2000 free downloads with a school e-mail and the only disadvantage is you can't transfer to an mp3 player or cds, which stinks, but can't be helped with free music lol.
Well, I'm pretty much pumped about web design class. The homework is a bummer because of the way we have to do it. But other than that I love it. I'm going to be learning CSS which is AWESOME!! Already know some html, so now I'm out for the gold which is CSS. Our final project is to make our own webpages :) So I've got all set up for me to put up as soon as I come up with some code and some things to put on it. So, I've been trying to come up with ideas for a name. And, since I'm not all that creative in words I'm needing suggestions for a name of my website if anyone has one that'll be great, as well as suggestions for things you want to see included in the site.
Well I need to go hit the gym, but I have one more thing to throw out to you reader (whoever that may be). Why in the world does blogger load this on the website title???
What in the world does apple have to do with google???
Oh, well a mystery to be contemplated later. Adios
PS OkGo and Skillet are amazing!! I love these bands, their music is like ice cream for your ears.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
You Vill Report Smoky Autos!
This was funny, read it if you get a chance.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
"hmmm how about fantastic bowl! mmm, no, how about.... annual bowl. mmmm no, excellent bowl? great bowl? SUPER bowl!! yeah! super bowl. Because it's super! lol
Yeah, anyway.
Here's what's been happening this week. I started to get a little more homework. Yeah, I have 3 quizzes this week in one class... Not sure how that works. Last week we did have two of those classes cancelled, but we still only have a usual 1 quiz a week in that class, so I guess he just decided we became lazy bums while having that hour and a half off monday and wednesday. Then, I have one more quiz in another class too. And another one in another class. At least I don't have anything to write this week, but I'm doing my testimony ahead of time, because I'll have to give it for speech.
This weekend I played ultimate frisbee in the mud, and it was actually pretty fun. And I also ate sushi and made sushi with some friends. I had some from a resturant and then we made our own, and the ones we made tasted the best :9
Then today. I watched the superbowl. Actually I only watched half of it, but that was fun even though the team I was rooting for lost. It's alright though since that's the first football game I've even watched this year. Oh, yes. I also dressed up as a gnome with a group made up of all Slight guys we like to call the "Blue Zoo" and went with an assortment of other characters to the men's basketball game and cheered our team on.
It must have worked because we won. I'm kidding of course, but it was really fun except for how sweaty I got and how loud it was in the mask.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"When you're over 50 you can still do all the things you did when you were 17 if you don't mind making an idiot of yourself."
The "problem" with today's society, is that; (no one) knows how, to punctuate correctly, anymore?
The colder the X-ray table the more of you has to be on it.
"People are forever calling me a hypochondriac, and, let me tell you, that makes me sick."
- Sandra Wilson
"By doing just a little every day, you can gradually let the task completely overwhelm you."
Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Hey, check it out. I got a fridge!! Woohoo!
Even cooler, I got it for free! Yep, that's right. I got it for free from my work. It's a little old but works great.
So, basically it's full of energy drinks and sodas almost all from the week of welcome at the beginning of last semester LOL. But, it keeps my water and applejuice cold at least lol.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"I Used Up All My Sick Days... So I Called In Dead."
A watched clock never boils.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Web design and HTML
I think this one is going to be one of my favorite classes, but I think I'm going to like all of my classes. Speech will probably be the hardest, but I've always been used to speech coming as something that would be hard.
At the beginning of the semester it felt like I was being drowned by the amount of classes and homework. But, with God's help I figured out that it would be easier if I dropped my Ethics class. I originally planned to drop New Testament Survey 1 because I am planning on being in Old Testament Survey 2 but I decided to drop Ethics because there was more writing involved in Ethics (I know I'm a wimp, but I don't enjoy essays as much).
For now you might not expect updates quite as often as you might have noticed since I haven't posted in like 2 weeks. I'll be focusing on sleeping and homework more than blogging unfortunately.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"I had a dream I was eating a hotdog. Man it was good!" ~Jason Hendrickson
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Truth & Life Conference
If people are leaving the church or the youth group it is because we have not made the story of the cross brilliant, compelling, or clear enough. It is not because the church/youth group is not 'cool' enough or does not have contemporary enough music or media. This is a very adolescent look at it/ If people are leaving it is because we have not proven Christ to be worth more than money, power, sex, drugs, friends, or materialism.
Our speaker was Art Azurdia. He was really amazing. I think he was my favorite speaker so far.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Beta or no?
I've decided I'm going to start posting in dialogue. That is to say I will start posting something as if it were spoken or quoted from something. I think after a few of those posts I'm going to switch to some other types of writing just to make it interesting and hopefully increase my writing skills.
"Right now I'm at Max's house and I stayed here last night. I think I'm going to go home later tonight playing games and watching tv late into the night is actually really fun, in case you've never tried it. Hmm, I wonder what's for breakfast. I'm hungry..."
(Not sure if this is going to turn out much different than my normal writing, but I had thought it would when I came up with the idea, we'll see)
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"If Jesus were born one thousand times in Bethlehem and not in me, then I would still be lost."
- Corrie ten Boom