Thursday, January 25, 2007

Web design and HTML

Sitting here in Intro. to Web Design and Programming.
I think this one is going to be one of my favorite classes, but I think I'm going to like all of my classes. Speech will probably be the hardest, but I've always been used to speech coming as something that would be hard.

At the beginning of the semester it felt like I was being drowned by the amount of classes and homework. But, with God's help I figured out that it would be easier if I dropped my Ethics class. I originally planned to drop New Testament Survey 1 because I am planning on being in Old Testament Survey 2 but I decided to drop Ethics because there was more writing involved in Ethics (I know I'm a wimp, but I don't enjoy essays as much).

For now you might not expect updates quite as often as you might have noticed since I haven't posted in like 2 weeks. I'll be focusing on sleeping and homework more than blogging unfortunately.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

"I had a dream I was eating a hotdog. Man it was good!" ~Jason Hendrickson


Anonymous said...

Essa's are 'the bomb' that "r0x0rz m' s0x0rz". As long as the' are less than six pages in length.

But then again, web design r0x0rz m0r3 s0x0rz, so 'ah.

'eah 'eah 'eah, m' " " ke' isn't working again. Hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Never ever ever say 'the bomb' again. Or rather, never write 'the bomb' again. Or say it. And besides, it's 'da bomb'. Duh. :)

Anonymous said...

My mom says that she is 'da bomb'.

Anonymous said...