Saturday, April 28, 2007


Here's a cool post I found in my notebook I had been meaning to post. I wrote this some time ago. I think during chaper. The speaker probably said something that made me think of this or maybe was talking about it in the first place. In any case here it is in the entirety. I did minimal editing. That's usually what I try to do when I find something I wrote before to try and capture exactly what I was thinking then and it's usually more powerful when I wrote it all in one go.

Why do people fear death? They stay away from even the subject of death, giving the conversations and things related to it a negative reference calling it morbid or depressing. Should it be different for a Christian? People's ideas of death always seem so similar. A funeral is almost never happy whether Christian or not. When a person dies we call it "passing away". People don't often say someone "died" but refer to it as "passing away". If you really think about it though, in reality, unless the person was a Christian that phrase is not accurate at all. When a Christian dies he is only passing to heaven, moving out of earth. When you say "he passed away" referring to an unbeliever the only way that is correct is that they are passing away from earth to Hell. Which is really just the same as death. Of course, this isn't something we like to think about, but nevertheless bring the painful reality to mind and think about it for a moment. All things considered, referring to the death of an unbeliever as just that is really the most accurate expression. A person that didn't accept Christ as savior before death really has "died". A Christian in all reality never dies, they only pass from death to life. The unbeliever in death really does lose his earthly life or body, but going to Hell really is the literal death of the soul.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

"The world was made round so that we would never be able to see too far down the road."
- Isak Dinesen


Anonymous said...

I commented on that message when you told me about it a couple weeks ago, do I have to comment on it again? *grin*

Yokanchi said...

lol, yes.
I'm kidding, but really go ahead if you want to :)