Friday, May 11, 2007

End of School 07

The end of my first year of college!
Kind of a wierd feeling. I'll miss all my friends, and at the same time break seems sooo short. I'll have to pack in all the things I can that I want to get done during the summer. Hopefully it'll be easier since I'm so used to being so busy. Oh well.

I tried out for Choral for next semester. I hope I get in, but if I do I'll probably be crazy busy :(.
But, it will be good. It's going to be weird next semester. There's a ton of people graduating and then a bunch of my friends are going to IBEX (the israel bible extension that is part of Master's for those of you who don't know).

Well, I've just finished all my finals, but one that I'm turning in a revision in on since I only got like half of the questions (out of four) finished correctly for Web design. I'm thankful to God that my Prof let me do this revision. I was going crazy trying to figure out why my code wasn't working for what I was trying to put on my site that I was supposed to do. When I finally got back to do the revision on it I figured out that I just had to capitalize this one part and I would have had it made..... :(

Oh well. God's will be done. Maybe I needed humbling.
Anyway, one of my summer projects is going to be to implement a part of my site that I can put up my favorite posts on this blog which should be a good amount of good content after nearly 200 posts over about 2 years. Also since I liked designing my site more than I even liked putting content on it. I think I'm going to make some sites and templates and put them up for show on my site. If any of my friends want to use them I'll probably let them and then I can probably change the look and design of my site occasionally to make it interesting.

Enough for now. Back to the javascript grindstone.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! I, for one, am really happy you're coming home. I miss you tons and can't wait to see you. :)