Friday, May 19, 2006


I really need to update the links. I'll have to get to that. You guys can bug me to do it till I do. So, anyway. I'm just packing and getting ready to go. Tomorrow night our homeschool group has a talent show. Our choir is doing at least two songs for it. I saw the talent show last year and it was really good. I'm pretty happy though because this time I'm gonna bring Max and Sergey. That'll be fun. I think our choir is really great, so it'll be fun to get to finally show someone :)

Till next post.
Your Faithful typer,

"The object of war is not to die for your country. It is to make the other (guy) die for his." - General George S. Patton

(I think I might have posted that one before so here's another)

"Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused." - Anonymous

PS I'm gonna have to start posting a whole lot more. I have so many quotes for the end of the blog! :D


Anonymous said...

I wanna come!!!!!

Anonymous said...

*bugs you about links*

Have fun singing! Hope Serge and Max do indeed make it :-\

Yokanchi said...

lol, they better make it. I'm picking them up!

Yokanchi said...

Should I give you the address Moriah?

Anonymous said...

Umm,what time does it start? I'm busy from 10:00 until 2:00, and then I'm busy again from 4:00 until like 7:00 so if it's anytime between 2:00 and 4:00 or 7:00 and one o' clock in the morning, sure! give me the address. :)

Yokanchi said...

oh man! sorry moriah. I didn't get online again in time. But don't worry, the talent show was pretty boring for the most part, there were some cool acts, but otherwise it was really dragging. Lots of bad singing unfortunately

Anonymous said...

That's ok Billy. :) Did the bad singing come from you?? :D jk :)

Yokanchi said...

haha, no even if I was singing bad I was in the choir so you couldn't hear me. Sadly the bad singers had to sing by themselves.

Anonymous said...

:) Well at least you weren't at church today for the "special music" :D.

Where are you?

Yokanchi said...

is that a good thing? Do you mean the choir sang?

Anonymous said...

No, that's a bad thing. A very bad thing. The choir didn't sing. Just trust me. You're lucky you weren't there. :)

Yokanchi said...

well I bet it was shorter than the amount of bad singing we heard.