Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It's Interesting

It's interesting, I'm always coming up with these great ideas for blogging, ideas that are really deep and would make great reading material. But, your blog never has anything that deep. You say.
That, is unfortunately very very true. The problem is when I think of these things. I'm always thinking of them while I'm in bed or driving (usually driving). I guess it's murphy's law, but whenever I think of something great to talk about I can't blog it, or write it down or anything. Anyway, I figured sometime I'm going to just have to lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling till I come up with something real cool to post.
Well, enough of this and that, here's a little update info about what's going on in my life. I'm going to California next week for about a week and a half for our yearly field conference, where all the missionaries to the deaf from BMW get together to have some meetings. It's fun because I get to see friends, and it's usually (unfortunately because I'd like another vacation) the closest thing to a vacation we get. Anyway, all that to say why I'll be offline or otherwise busied most the time. Also, (did you know our youth leader really likes that word; "also". If you pay attention he says it a whole bunch but anyway) I'm gonna have to plant the grass armchair after my trip since I'll have to water it and keep it from getting rained on and waterlogged. It should take about 10 days to sprout, so I'll do that when I get home.

One more thing to mention, I'm trying to get an Electric Typerwriter website going, it's a little hard because I've forgotten nearly all the stuff I knew (which wasn't very much in the first place) about website making. So I'm trying to work a little with Disiance to try and get one presentable. Right now it's still in the stuck-in-my-head stage still. I'm getting all the ideas of things to put on it together before I go ahead and throw it on the screen (that's gonna be the hardest part). So, I'd really like suggestions. I definitely want a picture section as well as a section to put my thoughts and ratings on movies and books I've recently read, and try and recommend too and then I also would like to put a place where I can write a little about certain news articles and websites and direct you viewers to them. Any more ideas are greatly appreciated. Well, it's real late and I have stuff to do tomorrow, so I'm going to try and get to sleep.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

Bill Cosby - "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."

PS Bill Cosby is soo awsome!


Anonymous said...

Have fun in California Billy!

Yokanchi said...

Hey, thanks Moriah! :)
I will!