Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Well, I didn't get to post this until today, but last Friday we had a church concert, and I got to play my recital song. It was good, but I for some reason whenever I go to play in front of people my hands get way shaky even though I wasn't really nervous. Anyway, it was pretty cool. I'd have to say the snacks afterwards were quite fun. Anyway I have alot of school to do so.

Till next time.
Your faithful typer,

Andy Warhol - "I am a deeply superficial person."


Anonymous said...

did you only play one song???

Yokanchi said...

yep, Jardin sous le pluie (gardins in the rain) by Claude Debussy.

I'm going to try to post a phone blog where I'll play it. when I get time, some evening.

Anonymous said...

way cool

Yokanchi said...

yeah, it's pretty fun, 'cause it's so fast.