Monday, December 12, 2005


I found such a good quote that instead of it going at the end of a post, I'm posting it as the highlight of this post.
It's really a good one:

~ People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.
- George Bernard Shaw ~

And there you are people. Post your thoughts on it.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

~ (and then, the end-of-post quote)
"Never give the devil a ride; he will always want to drive."


Anonymous said...

I agree with that.

Trintula said...

True, to a point. But also true without point if you look at it from a slant.

Yokanchi said...

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but what slant do you mean?

Trintula said...

Think about all the things people can't control, or wouldn't create for themselves unless they were mentally ill. For example; abuse, war, somebody close dieing. But people that make it through without the "woe is me, people owe me, I'm so pitiful; such a victim" attidude are the people that choose to see those circumstances as just making them stronger or something to learn from; then set about to make their own circumstances, and make their life turn out the way they want it to. Not creating or wallowing in bad circumstances they have no control over, but working through and choosing to ignore the ones they don't need.