Well, I'll try to post quickly. I have alot to get done and alot of sleeping to do so....
We did christmas concerts every night from Tuesday till Saturday. We also did a condensed version of a concert on Friday for chapel. Then for Saturday we did an extra one in the afternoon. And then today, we sang in front of like 2000 people or so at Grace Community Church (John MacArthur's church). We did that for two services. That was pretty fun. The first time we pretty much were really sad sounding, but the second one was pretty much amazing.
So, to sum it all up. Now I'm exhausted and have homework to do along with my extra sleeping I plan on getting done.
Well, it's 6:08 pm Sunday and I have alot to be doing so I'll post again later.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
"Gas prices are so high that when this college girl pulled into a gas station and asked for 2 dollar's worth, the attendant dabbed some behind her ears."

This is me and some of my buddies in Slight, along with our cool RD Jeff! WOohoO!
YAY! You finally updated!! You are very busy. Chandler said that you get back on the 16th,but he isn't sure when you leave? When are you leaving? I wanna try and hook up before you go. :)
I'm gonna be back for a month.
cool.Do you think we could see each other before you leave?? I like the picture. :)
Well, if Bilfy makes it to Winter Camp... :)
And good luck with all the homework!
yeah, but I'm kind of thinking about not going.I have a lot of money going out this month and I'm trying to save as much as possible.So I'm still considering going myself.
Ah, that makes sense.
Yeah it makes sense but it's hard to do the things that make sense sometimes. :(
yeah... I'm planning on winter camp, but that depends on whether my parents will pay for it since I don't make money right now... Any other ideas though?
I could get you and Chandler up here for a weekend...Or if Chandler can't you could just come up by yourself but I'm not sure if you are emotionaly ready for my family to be here by yourself yet. :D
Moriah, I'm not sure your family is emotionally ready for themselves...
That was rude!! Sheesh! They're crazy but not that crazy!!
lol, yeah that could be fun. As long as Chandler comes to protect me from Tenaya 0.o lol :)
Well, I know for a fact that Chandler isn't doing anything (unless he and I change our plans for this Saturday) on the 30th...you guys could stay from the 30th to the 31st...As long as my parents take time off to watch their younger children. You guys maybe wanna plan on that?
So we are on for this Saturday? I thought your mom said the 9th wouldn't work. I'm so confuzzlated!
But yeah, that sounds good to me. I'll have to check it against the family's calendar, but I don't see any problem.
Poor Bilfy, he's never going to be home lol. :)
My mom said she is "pretty sure" we're on for this Saturday. Let's hope we are! :)I'll feel bad if I don't invite Nicki up too...Maybe I can get here and Heather and Sarah to come for a girly weekend next month...*has an idea* When does Thr3e come out?? We could go see that!!
It comes out Jan 5th.
Which would you guys rather do? Come up here or go see Thr3e?
I'd rather see Thr3e :)
Me too...
Have you read Eragon moriah? Because that's another movie I really really want to go see. it comes out like a day before I come back. Oh, and Chandler. If you haven't read it, I think you might like it. It's a book very much like playing neverwinter nights or something like that. Anyway, yeah, I'll try to see if I can do that. Call me Chandler, or I'll call you, either way. If I'm not there leave a message for me or if one of my roomates picks up just have them let me know you called.
No, I have not read that book but since you like it, I think I'll have to read it now.
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