Thursday, October 19, 2006

Are you dumb sometimes?

Ever go and do something you probably should have thought about before going and doing, but you decide that instead of waiting, thinking about it, or researching it you just go do it and decide, "well if I shouldn't have done it I'll just live with it and maybe try to undo it" ?
Yeah, I do that. Probably a little to often. They say people don't like change. Sometimes I think it is good and I should stick to that rule, less change is good.
I don't know.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

"If God doesn't destroy Hollywood Boulevard, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology."
- Jay Leno


Anonymous said...

Umm, more often I should think about what I say than what I should do, but sometimes, yah.

Yokanchi said...

yeah, so if you're the keeper of foot in mouth, then personally I think you should keep it to yourself more often so I don't have to borrow it so constantly.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Don't you have your own feet to use, or do you forget to wash them? ;)

Yokanchi said...

no silly smart aleck I was talking about "the" foot in mouth (it's figurative so it doesn't need washing :P )