Sunday, October 15, 2006

Homework can be fun?

I think I've realized why people like working under pressure. It's really just the thrill of getting something done quickly and on time. Being efficient and good. And so they work to get better at being fast and efficient at the same time. They do this by using the deadline as their time limit, not starting till they are forced to do it in a small amount of time and do it well. Of course this probably doesn't apply to well over half of people that do this. Alot of it is probably laziness, but some people do "work better under pressure" and I think that's how it works for alot of people. I think I do like doing it that way sometimes.
Well, I have alot of homework to do now.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

"If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say - talk in your sleep."

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