Well, today and yesterday actually.
Yesterday We got to go to the beach for a few hours and have dinner there. That was incredibly fun. I got to go skidboarding, which is where you have this roundish, pointed board and you wait until the wave is going out and then you run and drop the board and jump on and skid across the retreating wave really fast. It's amazingly fun. I wiped out quite a few times, that was though, as I told a few people, half the fun when you'd get a really cool wipeout. That would usually happen when you went pretty far and then a wave came and you hit it coming in. Then you'd either ride over it and then stop or totally flip off and get soaked lol.
Some people did some really great sand sculptures too while we were there. There was a really super looking horse lying down which they called "monty lying down" since the mascot is a horse named monty.
There was also a really cool living room. Yes, a living room, they had a full sized couch carved into the ground with a ditch where you put your feet so you could actually sit down on the nearly real looking cushions. Then there was one more worth mentioning that was a face that was really nice looking and had a funny lip-sticking-out look on it.
TodayI went to "The Master's Distinctives" that I get to go to every morning, which is actually basically a chapel time where we get to sing worship songs. And while I'm thinking about it I need to mention that their band is really good, and really sweet sounding. Then we had a seminar called "new student success seminar" and that was basically another thing where he talked about us not being lazy and remembering to plan and go to bed at the right time and other stuff like that. Then we had lunch which was number 1 of what has made this day really awesome. The first reason that made my day great was that we had lasagna and that's like my #2 favorite (raviolis is my first in case you were wondering) and we also had rice krispy treats that were really good. Then the #2 thing that made my day was that as I was walking around a car was pulling out from the parking lot next to me and the guy that kind of manages the computer center leaned over the driver to hey to me as they drove by. So that was really sweet, then later another guy that worked at the computer center said hi to me. Then the #3 thing that made my day was I finally got my mailbox open, that was awesome. I got my new Visa card, and then I got my contacts. Next the #4 thing was that as I sat in our computer orientation class with my computer (which I was happy that they let me have since I was gonna be pretty bored in that since I pretty much had everything figured out) I checked my e-mail and that same guy that is the manager of the computer center sent me an e-mail that seemed to say that as soon as the job fair rolls around tomorrow that they'll give me a job there right off.
Well, I can't think of anything else to post except you should check out this podcast they're making for every day of this WOW week. You can check this out at
This here link .
Thanks to
Cliff, my new buddy here at TMC for the link.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer,
Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny.