Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Me and one of my friends used to joke with each other about wondering what "made girls tick". (besides shoes and chocolate)
So anyway, tonight me and benjamin and philip were pretty wacky because we all had hot chocolate. So then I made a great discovery. I have figured out how philip's brain works!! Basically the whole thing is made up of two virtual snakes which wander around a rather large empty basin. When they run into each other something comes out of his mouth! Even still greater, I figured out how Benjamin's works!
... His has three snakes.

Anyway, how Sarah's mind works is still a mystery. I'll post when I find more.

Till next time.
Your faithful typer,

"The best time to make friends is before you need them."


Anonymous said...

Shoes don't make me tick. :D Chocolate does however. Books do too. Oh and really good music. Scary movies sometimes too.

Yokanchi said...

"Are you implying Philip's a girl? He talks way a lot though, those two snakes must be huge!"

you can take whatever you want from that *grin* (no I didn't really mean that)

see, the thing is that he only has two, but the space they zoom around in isn't very big.
For benjamin, he just has a larger space , so they don't collide as often, but he thinks more *grin*

Anonymous said...

Ah, very true. Again, how does your brain work? *grin*

Anonymous said...

yes, how does it work?

Yokanchi said...

lol, ask God. I wouldn't know!
Even if I figured it out I wouldn't remember *grin* I think it's based on a sieve type design though...