Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Simple and short?

I've decided to start posting more often and only posting a line or a few to just get a thread of thought out there. I encourage discussion of topics and this means...
So, please do read and comment.
This way I hope to:
1. Make it short and easy to read and leave time for you think about it and comment.
2. Make it short for me to post and therefore be able to post more often and hopefully discuss more with my readers.

So, here's my first one:
I was walking up the hill to the dorms and as I did I saw the Moon which looked alot like the one in the Muslim symbol. I thought about the symbology. The Sun (or light) represents truth. Our God. The moon reflects it's light. Often this is used as an analogy of us as His children who can reflect His light to this world. Then it made me wonder why the moon was the predominant symbol in the Muslim symbol if it represents man so often.

Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

- "You can be on the right track and still get hit by a train! -


Yokanchi said...

Ok, so it wasn't exactly a line due to the skinny margin that my actualy blogpost goes in. But the idea is, that I will post short things. Hopefully I'll get another post today or tomorrow.
Any comments on this one?

Anonymous said...

The symbolism you could read into it is really incredible. Doesn't posess light of it's own, therefore aligning itself with what has become a traditional (at least among Christians) view of man in light of God (inherently worthless)... and yet! We can spend a week learning about Islam because it's a "significant cultural factor" in the Middle East, but Christianity isn't an important cultural factor in the history of Europe. Hmm. That was probably longer than your post. Sorry :-/. That's been under my skin lately, if you couldn't tell ;-).

Yokanchi said...

That's ok. Thanks for the comment. Yeah, it's all symbolism. So, not a huge deal, but very interesting.