Today in church at Placerita Bible Church the pastor was talking about how there is a spiritual battle going on right now even though we can't see it. He was teaching from Daniel 10 where Daniel sees someone (an angel or something) and he talks to him. I think the pastor didn't want to scare anyone so he didn't go as in depth as he could've. That's why I figured I'd blog about it. I might as well talk about it if he didn't.
I think it's very important (extremely important in fact) for us to realize that there is a real spiritual battle that has been raging for thousands of years. Ever since satan left split heaven and created his own rebellion he has been God's enemy and we are sitting right in the battlefield whether we like it or not (which I am most sure we do not). This battle is very unreal to us. The reason it is so unreal is the fact that much of this battle is being waged by spirits, meaning demons and angels.
If you've ever seen one of those fantasy video games, it's very much like that. I don't mean to bring it down to that level, and it's not the same, but just to give us mere humans a picture of what it's like I would like to appeal to the fantasy games that some people play. Of course the real difference that we must realize is how real and consequential the real battle is whereas the video games aren't real and are completely inconsequential in all ways. I just want you to realize that I don't take spiritual battles lightly and think they're just like video games. Understand that I realize how real they actually are. Of course I hope you realize the same exact thing. Most Christians, I believe, don't think of it as this real. They seem to think of this as a fantasy itself.
The reality is this and we must accept it; that angels and demons battle amongst us. There could be a demon standing outside this room battling for entry. There could be more, I don't know. Now this sounds really weird, but it's something we have to take as real. We are at war!
I figure (and this is just speculation) that for the most part all the spiritual battles take place in another kind of dimension which is why angels and demons don't necissarily have a certain physical position. However this dimension is obviously somewhat interwoven with ours and they are able to be in both. We see that angels come and speak with humans all throughout the Bible. We also should take notice of how demons inhabiting humans were very commonplace back then. I think that today there's not nearly anything close to the amount of people that are possesed. But, why is this? I believe that probably the territory that demonic forces had gained during the time from the fall till Jesus had gained was significantly large. After Jesus came the apostles and disciples of Jesus were traveling around and kicking alot of demons out. This is what I believe has brought about the situation today where the demonic forces (at least in the area of human possesion) were significantly pushed back then.
Anyway, this is all to give you a little picture of the colossial thousand + year battle that continues to rage about us. Remember what side you are on and don't fall into laziness. We need to remember to always be fighting back. Now obviously we are hopelessly unequipped. That is why God has given us prayer. Always call for backup. Next, we should always be equipping ourselves. Always be ready to give a defense for the hope that is within. There is no lack of improvements we can make upon ourselves spiritually (and very often physically) to better equip ourselves while we live our lives through this battle. Prayer is one of our most powerful weapons. The Bible is our powerful personal artillary. We must know how to use it effectively. Study it and know what it means. Also, not only is it our personal arsenal but it is also our source of nourishment. Our meals ready to eat for an analogy.
And lastly, do not forget under any circumstances what we are fighting for, what side we are on as Christians, (of course as far as I'm concerned if you're on the other side you can just not worry about forgetting what side you're on. Don't worry about it at all) and continue to fight actively so that you are not taken by the enemy to be used for his purposes or cut down by him so that you are rendered ineffective. What are we fighting for? So that all may know the power of our God and that they can love God or go to hell (I don't say that flippantly, for I hope that you know as well as I do that those that reject our Holy God will burn eternally and this is very important to consider). What side are we on? We are on side of the most holy almighty omnipotent omnipresent and all transcending God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This means that we are supporting him whole heartedly and every action we do glorifies him and that we should seek forgivness if we do not. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul.
Finally, we must continue to fight actively. Therefore we must remember to examine all our actions and seek to glorify God in everything that we do. We must seek whole heartedly to do all that he wills us to do and nothing else with our lives.
With all this in mind again I would like anyone reading this to remember what battle we are taking place in at this very moment. Are you fighting? Remember to always be on guard and always examining every action to see that it glorifies God. I pray that I can do the same.
Till next post.
Your faithful typer
"God does not ask your ability or your inability. He asks only your availability."
- Mary Kay Ash
(that sounds suspicously like mary kay and ashley, but I don't know....)
(two quotes today, I couldn't decide which one was better to post)
"When I lost my rifle, the Army charged me 85 dollars. That is why in the Navy the Captain goes down with the ship."
- Dick Gregory