Monday, May 23, 2005

Youth activity in the park

Yesterday I went to church and didn't come home till night. We had a youth activity at a park near our youth leader's house. He's not exactly our youth leader anymore but still kinda acts like it so for lack of a better title, our youth leader.
The russian youth group that was supposed to come didn't, I don't know whether that was because they didn't hear about it or what. Anyway we had alot of fun playing volleyball and flag football and stealing water balloons from other people. Chandler and me had decided to do this earlier, and i went with a tucan tattoo (fake of course) on my nose, making use of it's billboard like properties (yeah i have a quite large nose) chandler had puppies on his cheek. Then we finished off our day with a trip to arbies and i went to heaven in a reuben sandwich.
By the way did you know they have Sobe at arbies? I found that out and had some. Quite a good day yesterday and today i am most likely going to a two-day IFCA conference with my family. Whether that turns out to be fun or not time will tell.

Till next blog,
Your faithful typer, Yokanchi

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