Monday, July 09, 2007

My Simple Guidebook to life - Abridged

This here is my simple guidebook to the good life. I guess alot of it is thigs I've learned throughout 19 years of my life. I wanted to make this more comprehensive, but I'm going to have to post more later if I get around to it.
If you want to see more, or if you have questions, holler.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, but this is the simple guidebook. That means that it is summarized and each solution to something or advice to remember is the easiest or most convenient while still being most effective. Think of it as an optimum mix of fuel and oxygen for the engine avaliable. If you don't like that analogy you can just be sad, because I'm not coming up with another one.



#1 Go do it yourself.

#2 Don't be a slave.

#3 Don't be controlling.

#4 Don't be uneconomical. This goes for alot of things, but if you can afford to be uneconomical in whatever it is, and you feel like it then go right ahead. Just don't tee people off while you do it (very much).

#5 Share. This doesn't go for everything. Be polite. But share your interests, share your stuff. That's basically it.

#6 Don't be selfish (see number five for more information)

#7 Loyalty with friends is gold.
Have it, don't let it go.

#8 Fun. Have it, share it, remember it's like money, you can't always have it.

#9 Be happy, and relax. If you're a Christian that is, if not I would worry and figure out how to get to heaven. If you're wondering just ask, any Christian knows and any Christian is dying to tell you.

#10 Remember you can't always be happy, but even when you're in the dumps, don't go dumpster diving.

#11 Be crazy, but don't get in trouble. There's a million ways to accomplish this, without getting in trouble, trust me.

#12 Remember, your influence reaches alot farther than you probably think. People notice how many times you blink. You are watched and you effect.

#13 Advice is helpful, experience is life-changing. (of course I have to note that the wise learn from Advice, but remember the people who do so have probably learned from experience)

#14 Have real conversations to sift away the silt or you will become shallow.

#15 Always use your time for something productive. (refer to number four)

#16 Sometimes things are the way they are. Keep that in mind and know when to realize that.

#17 Change is good

#18 Change is bad

#19 Paradoxes are everywhere, deal with it.

#20 Too much of something good is often not good.

#21 Collect maturity within yourself, and be patient with those that have less and don't seem to be trying.

#22 Pray often.

#23 Don't quit on what is important. Read your Bible everynight no matter what. Don't fast your eyes from it!

#24 If there is a problem Don't worry about it, just keep it in mind, and try to fix it most efficiently and

#25 Summarize everything, unless people don't get it. Worse than not unerstanding something is understanding and not being able to do it, because someone won't stop explaining it to you.

#26 Don't take everything too seriously (This includes your self, you can cry if it helps you get over it). See the humor in everything but don't get hung up on it and miss the big picture.

#27 Bluntness can be a useful tool in communication, just like a hammer is useful. You can't always use the diplomatic chisel to get your point across, but don't forget hammers aren't pretty and they don't make things pretty. Blunt honesty is just one tool, not your toolbox.


(these are a little longer, the human body is more complex and diverse and that's just the way it is)

#1 If you want to lose weight, drink lots of water and avoid fatty foods (aka foods with fat in them) and processed sugar (aka anything that doesn't come out of a fruit or vegetable). The more strictly it is followed the faster you lose weight and the slower and more loosely the harder it will be. Of course some type of excercise must be involved weekly preferrably at a minimum of two times a week.

#2 To stay extra healthy. First of all, lose some extra weight (refer to #1) and follow instruction number one easily. Second, get more and more excercise. This means excercise consistantly at least every other day.

#3 If you want to grow more muscle. The best start is to do a bite size se of pushups every night. Something that pushes you a little beyond your limits. Most important to this tip is to continue faithfully. Try 25 pushups a night or something. You'll be looking better before you know it. After that you can expand all kinds of ways. Don't push too hard, but don't back off.

#4 If you're having problems with your moods (which is part of your body, do not forget) or any other health problem don't worry about it, just keep it in mind, and try to fix it by being more healthy in the particular way that directly effects the problem you have.

#5 Don't forget to relax. That can be very bad for you.

#6 Eating dead animal is never really good for you even if there may be some benefits.

#7 The dairy companies have lied to you, milk is not really that good for you. It's not worth the benefits they advertise. Just take calcium vitamins or something. Sorry to pop your bubble.


#1 Talk to people. No one likes being too shy. It's boring.

#2 Don't talk too much. Some people have this problem. Trust me I know some. If you keep saying dumb things or things you wish you hadn't, try talking less often.

#3 Listen to people. This doesn't mean stop talking, it means be patient and understanding when people talk to you.

#4 Be easy-going. That is the polar opposite of being anything people don't like. Don't forget, too much of a good thing is not a good thing (so to speak) so don't take anything, including this, too far.

#5 Laugh at people's jokes even if they're not always funny.

#6 If someone is never funny or thinks they're funnier than they are you can cool the polite laugh for a while and give them a chance to go have their fun on their own. If they still like it, good for them. They may find themselves short of people to hang out with.

#7 The opposite sex (boys or girls, whichever you may someday date or marry): Relax. Don't get so uptight. Their weird, but they're still human.

#8 Don't have too few friends, don't have too many.

#9 Have a good variety of friends. It's good for you.

#10 Be unselfish. The Bible says alot about this, but this is the simple version, go find it yourself.

#11 Don't get all uptight about annoying people. Especially if you're related.

#12 Don't be a wet noodle around annoying or obnoxious people. If they're running head on, let them run into you sometimes, but don't be a roadblock.

#13 Don't be so shallow you can't talk to friends about deep things.

#14 Always remember that what you say (or do, or write, etc...) can have unintended consequences no matter what it is.

#15 People are stupid.

#16 Keep in mind you aren't going to find many unselfish people.

#17 Keep in mind everyone is selfish but how much depends on how mature they are.

#18 Along with 17, people aren't perfect. Even if you don't see a thing wrong with them, remember something is there. Everyone has issues. Expect it, deal with it, forgive, forget, heal, help, and be unselfish and loving overall.

#19 Remember everyone is proud of themselves, whether you see it at first or not.

#20 Finesse in communication should be key over all. If you've got other problems it can be a cure or point towards what you're looking for so get some practice and get good at it.


Till next post.
Your faithful typer,

PS Hopefully I will be able to add to this. Especially more sections. If you want me to do a particluar section, holler.


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything on the list, except possibly the bit about calcium pills. Vitamins/mineral supplements are very hard for the body to break down. But I do agree milk isn't that great for you, especially cow milk. Everyone should have a goat. :)

RecycleBen said...

Vary good list!
And yes everyone should have a goat, not only for the milk but for the trash too.

Yokanchi said...

Yeah, suppliments are kind of last resort. I would recommend broccoli (possibly spinach too) and stuff like that much more than suppliments. But you've got to have it, and if you aren't getting it, suppliments are very helpful. You should look for quality ones, though the more generic can help as well.

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading this post and I was blown away. I want to read it every week, it's so insightful. So many things in there are "often thought, but ne'er so well expressed."