Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Update 6/28/05

Update 6/28/05

(ok forget the numbering thing)

This weekend I along with my family went with some members of our church on our yearly church-weekend-camping trip to winter

park. We enjoyed a weekend of swimming, fishing, mini golf and volleyball. Yes, they have a pool! We went to the YMCA camp of

the rockies and they had a pool with slide, along with a gym where we played volleyball and you can also skate. They also

have a 18 hole mini golf course. We had alot of rain, but most of it was light and we also had alot of time without rain.
After the church camp our family (minus my mom, becuase of babysitting she had to do) stayed an extra night and went fishing

for four hours the next day, resulting in my cooked-lobster like appearence.

This weekend Sergay helped me learn a very important phrase as well. His phrase of the week being; "It's ok." after merciless

repition is causing me to end up hearing myself saying "it's ok" to many things, immensly improving my outlook on people,

things they do, people I don't particularly like, and helping my attitiude towards things that would normally irritate me.
I thank the Lord for this very small but important attitude adjustment causing a much more christian type attitude, and more

patience in dealing with those that don't always use their heads quite as much as their mouths.

Well thats all till next post. I need to go fix a car now, wish me luck (bleh!)

Sergay's word of the month - Jello
Sergay's animal of the month - hippos

Your faithful typer,
Yokanchi (Billy)


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun! I wish I could have gone :) Next time, take me with you :)

Yokanchi said...

actually... I COULD have invited you.. but i really didn't think about it :/

Anonymous said...

well think about it next time *grin* j/k

Yokanchi said...

ok :D! i invited chandler, next time i think i'll invite the whole youthgroup infact! :D

Anonymous said...

yes! do! :)

Yokanchi said...

its ok.

Anonymous said...

WHAT? :)

Yokanchi said...

its ok. :D re read my blog :D

Anonymous said...

you are mean :(

Anonymous said...

do the tag thing Billy! do it!