Friday, June 24, 2005

Chicago Tribune news : Nation/World

Chicago Tribune news : Nation/World

I don't know if anybody has heard about this. But what I want to know is...


anyway, I'f you're american, read this article. It effects everyone that isn't living in a cardboard box, and I'm sorry to say, not in a positive way.

Praying for America,
Till next post,

Your faithful typer and worrier,

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


BTW I'm going camping this weekend and I only have about ten class hours left till i get my driver's education class basically finished.


f8d90a said...

I didn't read more than the first two paragraphs or so to be honest, but I've read many similar articles about eminent domain and the ridiculous "reasons" for the government seizing private homes. It's really a shame. I'm surprised that it never seems to stop. I guess it's just because no one really cares enough to do anything until it happens to them.


Anonymous said...

It is called the socialization (as in becoming socialist) of America.

Anonymous said...

btw, when I tag you that means you have to answer the questions I answered, over @ my blog. Then...after you answer....tag someone else...then they have to tag and so on and so on. it's fun! so enjoy! I hope you enjoy LOL :)